Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mystery Spy Theater 3000?

You can see the video of the American Enterprise Institute's event Watching 'Zero Dark Thirty' with the CIA here.
Or you can read a summary of the event here. Teaser:
"Former CIA director Michael Hayden led the panel. He was joined by Jose Rodriguez, who ran the agency’s National Clandestine Service, and John Rizzo, who served as the CIA’s chief legal officer. The stories they told, and the reasons they offered, shook up my assumptions about the interrogation program. They might shake up yours, too. Here’s what they said..."
I suggest both.

1 comment:

  1. Shook me up alright: that It took a movie to inspire this type of public discussion. News coverage never addressed the intricacies of the EIT program. They just pandered to the public's emotional reaction.

    These are serious issues that citizens need to hear and join in the discussion so they can have informed communications with their elected representatives.
