Here at Tako, we keep our eye on modern education issues and The Imperiled Promise of College is near the top of the list.
Excerpts from the article:
-"FOR a long time and for a lot of us, “college” was more or less a synonym for success...A diploma wasn’t a piece of paper. It was an amulet."
-"Because of levitating costs, college these days is a luxury item. What’s more, it’s a luxury item with newly uncertain returns."
-"A wider world of competition now confronts college graduates."
-"That you can’t gain a competitive edge with just any diploma from just any college is reflected in the ferociousness of the race to get into elite universities. It’s madness out there. Tiger mothers and $125-an-hour tutors proliferate, and parents scrimp and struggle to pay up to $40,000 a year in tuition to private secondary schools "
This is why so many people are getting so much attention for their efforts to fix thy system.
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